How to Control Weight With Healthy Eating and Regular Exercise

control weight

Controlling weight is a process that involves healthy eating and regular exercise. It also ensures that you are getting enough nutrients.

Maintaining a healthy weight reduces your risk for health problems such as heart disease and high blood pressure. It can also help you find shapely clothing and feel more confident.

Eat Healthy Fats

Fat is an important nutrient that should make up 25 to 35 percent of your daily calories. Good fats help you feel full, aid in digestion and control appetite hormones. Healthy fats are unsaturated fats, such as those found in nuts and fish, rapeseed oil, olive oil and avocados. Avoid unhealthy fats like processed meats and fried foods, fatty cuts of meat, butter, lard, tallow and suet.

Eating healthy fats may help you maintain a healthy weight, reduce your risk of heart disease, diabetes and certain cancers, according to the American Institute for Cancer Research. However, it’s important to remember that all fats contain 9 calories per gram, so watch your portion sizes. Each serving of nuts, for example, contains about 160 calories. You also need to limit saturated and trans fats, such as those found in red meat, whole butter and lard.

Eat Smaller Portion Sizes

The size of your meals and snacks has a big impact on weight gain. Large portions can lead to overeating, which in turn leads to excess calorie intake that is stored as fat. Eating healthy portion sizes means that you can eat your favorite foods in moderation.

Smaller serving sizes are easy to achieve with a few simple changes in your diet. You can start by using smaller plates and bowls to naturally limit your portions. You can also use food labels to help you understand what a recommended serving size looks like for each type of food. Meal prep at home and taking half of a meal to go when eating out can also give you full control over your portion sizes.

A good rule of thumb is that protein portions should be the size of your palm, carbs should be the size of your clenched fist, and fats the size of your thumb. Drinking a glass of water before each meal can help to trigger your stomach to signal fullness.

Allow Yourself to Indulge

Indulging in certain foods from time to time can actually be helpful for a healthy diet. “Depriving yourself of foods you crave can cause you to overindulge later on or eat too much of those treats,” says Cording, adding that the best approach is to be able to indulge regularly, but in moderation. For example, if you’re craving chocolate or an ice cream cone, she suggests eating one small piece and sitting down to savor it so that you don’t just devour it quickly and end up feeling unsatisfied. Of course, this doesn’t apply to bodybuilders or other athletes who must eat very restrictively for performance reasons. This should not be a regular approach for the rest of us.

This article was originally published in “Fitness & Health” magazine.

How Do Scales Work?


Scales of all types, from a skewed spring scale hanging by the produce aisle to massive pit-and-girder monsters that weigh train cars and tractor-trailers, are the backbone of our modern world. No matter what shape or size they are, all scales work through devices called load cells that record the weight being measured.

Weight Measurement

Weight measurements can be made with a wide variety of mechanical and electrical scales. They are commonly referred to as balances and can range from small microbalances to industrial scales with weighing capacities of many tons. Most are calibrated using standard cast iron bar weights and should be tared (reset to read zero) on a regular basis.

The concept of weight measurement is important for children to understand at a young age. Students can learn that an object’s weight depends on gravity and is not affected by the size or shape of the object.

An understanding of weight and mass measurement will help them understand why a lion is heavier than a monkey and why the weight of an apple and the weight of a banana are different. This knowledge will allow them to make sound decisions about the health of themselves and others. It will also help them understand that an estimate of weight requires quality checking similar to other health related variables.

Load Cells

Load cells are the mechanical devices in weighing systems that sense force and transmit it in various forms for readout and recording. They are the cornerstone of most industrial, manufacturing and quality control-based weighing environments.

There are many different load cell types in use today, but they all work on the same basic principle of turning deflection into a change in resistance. Typically, they involve the use of one or multiple strain gauges within a mechanical setup (e.g., a bent helix or bent membrane) to detect the force that is being applied.

Hydraulic and pneumatic load cells have been growing in popularity due to their stability and lack of fluid leakage, but strain gauge technology is still the most commonly used in a wide range of applications, including tank level, truck scales and hoppers. They are also more resistant to overloads and metal fatigue than other load sensor technologies. They also feature a low profile, which makes them suitable for applications with limited space.


The most common scales used in medical, industrial and retail settings use devices called load cells to measure weight. They convert mechanical energy (the bending that occurs when an object is placed on the scale) into an electronic signal. The change in the signal is then converted into a digital weight reading.

Although there are many different types of digital scales, all work in similar ways. Most use a series of transducer beams that are engineered to bend in proportion to the amount of force being exerted on the weighing platform.

The change in the electrical signal caused by the bending of the beams is then converted into a weight reading using a microcontroller and a display. Because of this delicate internal design, it is important to handle your scales gently. Dropping, throwing or banging your scale can damage the sensitive sensors and cause inaccurate measurements. Also, temperature changes can affect the accuracy of a digital scale.


Scales are used to make precise measurements, but over time environmental factors may interfere with scale accuracy. Power fluctuations, aging of load cells, and even temperature changes can lead to inaccurate readings and equipment failure. Regular calibration, inspections, cleaning and lubrication are essential for maximizing the life of a scale.

Performing daily inspections and basic truck scale maintenance on a schedule or using a CMMS is the best way to ensure that minor issues do not turn into major problems. Keeping a truck scale log is also a great tool for recording and scheduling preventative maintenance.

Ensure the scale deck and junction boxes are clear of debris like dirt, rocks, and trash. Check for water pooling underneath pit-mounted scales and remove any trapped moisture. Also look for signs of corrosion on the understructure of the scale platform and the j-box board. Use a hose to wash the understructure of the scale to avoid mechanical binding.

What Are Measures?


Measures are a means of quantifying an aspect of a situation. They may be used to describe the amount of something, or their quality or intensity.

In mathematical terms, a measure is a countably additive set function on an abstract set whose values are in the real numbers or infinity. This includes both signed measures and unsigned ones.


Measurements are objects, or functions, that quantify attributes. They can be used to evaluate a number of things, such as health care quality and CMS Meaningful Measures category submission types. Different organizations have their own classification schemes for measuring items, and these can change over time.

The philosophy of measurement emerged as a distinct area of inquiry during the second half of the 19th century. However, the basic concepts behind measurements have been discussed since antiquity.

For example, Euclid defined magnitudes such as lines and solids in terms of ratios of magnitudes. Modern measure theory developed from work by Emile Borel, Henri Lebesgue and Nikolai Luzin.


Different organizations categorize measures in a wide range of ways. Some criteria are legislative or consensus-based. Others are based on the measurement domain or Meaningful Measures health care priority or data source.

Measures can be categorized according to four scales of measurement: nominal, ordinal, interval and ratio. Each has its own properties that determine how the data should be analyzed. Nominal data is defined by identity, ordinal data has an ordered relationship and interval data contains equal intervals.

The main distinction between a measure and a metric is their scope. Measures focus on individual elements of a system, while metrics provide insight into how the entire system performs over time.


A measure is a countably additive set function in a Banach space that can take on values from the real numbers (positive or negative) and infinity. A measure whose values are restricted to certain sets is called a localizable measure.

For some goods, such as environmental and aesthetic resources, there are no applicable metrics or measurement procedures. In such cases, a high degree of strategic thinking is required before measuring something.

Efforts to measure scope accomplishment often fall short of management objectives, diverting attention away from the project’s goals and toward activities, costs, and schedule performance. Inadequate or erroneous definitions of scope also confound ends with means by equating them with work effort.


There are a number of limitations that affect the accuracy and reliability of measurements. These limitations can result from the instruments used in measuring, as well as the way the data is analyzed. They can also be caused by random errors, such as blunders in observations or the varying conditions of an environment.

In a weak sense, a sequence of measures in a probability space converges vaguely to the measure of a continuity set A displaystyle A if and only if lim m n – F n (A) = F n (A) for all continuities of A displaystyle A. Various notions of convergence exist for this weak limit, but they are not equivalent and vary in strength.


Reliability refers to the extent that measurements produce similar results under the same conditions. Analysts look for consistency over time (test-retest reliability), within the measurement instrument itself (internal consistency) and between different observers (interrater reliability).

Test-retest reliability involves having participants answer a set of questions or perform a set of tasks twice. Researchers then look for very high correlations between the two sets of results to establish reliability.

Internal consistency and inter-rater reliability involve assessing the stability of a measure’s responses across different groups of respondents. This demonstrates that a given measure can reliably rank different people in the same position. This can help prevent personal biases such as the tendency for an introvert to rate themselves more highly than an extrovert on a personality questionnaire.


In addition to mathematical and logical considerations, issues of metaphysics and epistemology are central to understanding measurement. Although many perspectives have been proposed, realism focuses on the metaphysical status of quantity terms, while operationalists and conventionalists are concerned with the semantics, and information-theoretic and model-based accounts focus on the epistemological aspects of measuring.

While traditional discussions of measurement focused on the problem of theory-ladenness threatening the demarcation between theoretical and observational language, contemporary authors accept that some level of theory is a precondition for the evidential power of measurements (Wolff 2020b). This means that interpreting a reading on a tape measure requires a minimal amount of substantive assumption about the object being measured.

How to Get in Shape and Lose Weight

control weight

Managing your weight to stay healthy and fit is a balancing act. It requires a mix of behaviors that include eating well, getting enough sleep and exercising regularly.

Young elite athletes compete in sports where body weight is a key performance indicator. These sports are often referred to as “leanness sports” [32]. In these sports, athletes typically emphasise weight reduction.

Track Your Food Consumption

Food tracking can be time consuming, but it is a useful tool to help you get a more complete understanding of your daily intake. Tracking will allow you to see where you may be over/under consuming calories, fat, carbohydrates, and proteins, and identify meal patterns that may be working against you. Additionally, it will help you learn about portion sizes so that you can understand how much a palm-sized piece of chicken or a cup of yogurt really is.

Use a food journal, or download an app like MFP (My Fitness Pal), Healthi, or iTrackBites, to write down everything you consume throughout the day. Be sure to note the type of food, the serving size and any additional details like cooking methods or condiments used. It is also helpful to note how you felt after each meal so that you can start connecting foods with emotions and symptoms.

Reshape Your Plate

Using a portion control plate can help you get your food in shape and lose weight. A portion control plate helps you visualize the proportions of fruits, vegetables, proteins and grains that you need to eat at each meal.

Non-starchy super veggies should fill half the plate, along with a serving of lean protein. Avoid fatty meats like bacon and processed meat, and opt for grilled chicken, skinless fish, low-fat cheese or a small whole-wheat roll.

One quarter of the plate should contain healthy carbs such as whole grains, legumes and fruit. These foods are less likely to spike blood sugar and provide your body with important nutrients. Avoid high-calorie add-ons, such as heavy cream with coffee, mayonnaise and salad dressing.

Eat Healthy Fats

Fats are essential to your body’s health but some fats are unhealthy. Processed meats and foods made with refined vegetable oils are high in disease-causing trans fats. Instead, try to eat healthy fats such as avocados, full-fat dairy and oily fish. These fats help provide omega-3 and omega-6, which are essential fatty acids your body can’t make. Remember, though, that fats contain nine calories per gram, so be careful with portion sizes. Keep your servings small — an ounce of nuts is plenty.

What Is a Scale?


Scales come in many shapes and sizes, but they all measure the same thing: force (weight). Different scales use different operational principles, such as bending beams or stretching springs.

When weight is placed on a scale, the load cell bends slightly and sends an electrical signal to a digital weight indicator. This signal changes as a number indicating the weight is displayed on the weight indicator.

Scales are used to measure weight

Scales come in a wide range of shapes and sizes, but they all measure weight using slightly different mechanical principles. Some scales use mechanical levers while others may rely on pneumatic or hydraulic pressure. However, most modern digital scales use a single device that measures deformation known as a load cell. The load cell is a transducer that bends when the weight of an object causes it to stretch or compress.

The goal of all scales is to accurately quantify the amount of matter that makes up an object or substance. This information is used in a variety of ways, from medicine to engineering. Mass and weight are important in many industries because they allow us to calculate how much energy is needed by an airplane or car to perform a task. Mass is also used to determine the strength of materials. Traditional balance scales determine mass by balancing an unknown mass against another pan of known mass.

They are a form of balance

Scales are an important part of musical composition. They are used to organize notes into categories, such as minor, major, and chromatic scales. They are also useful in determining the key of a song, which determines its tonality. The first note of a scale is called the tonic and it is used as a reference point for the other notes. Musicians often use a technique called modulation, which involves changing from one scale to another.

Different types of balance can be achieved in artwork by positioning elements in a symmetrical or unsymmetrical way. Symmetrical balance is when both sides of the piece are identical or very similar. It creates a sense of stability, uniformity, and authority.

Other forms of balance are less symmetrical, such as mosaic or radial balance. These can be created by placing objects of varying values in a circle around the center of the work. For example, a dark value on the bottom of a painting can balance a light or smooth texture on top.

They are a type of instrument

In music, scales are collections of notes that have been grouped together for a musical reason. They are based on the principle of octave equivalence and usually divide an octave into a specific number of scale steps, which are called intervals. Each interval separates two tones and the higher tone has a frequency that is an integer multiple of the lower tone. There are 12 scale steps per octave, but some scales may include additional steps. These extra steps are often referred to as accidentals. For example, C# and Db are both enharmonic and therefore both considered to be part of the same key, but they are written differently because of their different intervals.

Each scale has a particular starting point, called the tonic. It also has a specific set of intervals that is unique to that scale. It is common for music to modulate from one scale to another, such as starting in a diatonic major scale and then moving to a dominant scale a fifth above.

They are a form of measurement

A scale is a set of notes that have been grouped together for a musical reason. Each scale contains a unique pattern of intervals between different notes. Most scales are octave-repeating, meaning that the same pattern of pitches repeats every octave. For example, the C major scale has six notes that are a whole tone apart from each other. This creates a symmetrical pattern and eliminates the need for half steps. The result is a calming, dreamy sound that has been used by musicians like Claude Debussy.

A scale is also used to represent real-world objects on paper, reducing their size. This is useful for creating blueprints and scale plans for machinery, architecture, or landscape design. It is often called a map or cartographic scale. A map is an ideal way to visualize the dimensions of a figure, but it may not be accurate due to the Earth’s curvature. The concept of scale is important in mapping, because it relates the distance on a map to its corresponding value on the ground.

What Are Measures?


Measures are a classification unit of raw data that quantify some size, quantity or intensity. They are often aligned with goals and objectives.

To have or take someone’s measure, to judge or assess their character, capabilities, etc.; to size them up: During their conversation, she took him in good measure as a prospective employee.


A unit of measurement is a standard quantity that describes a physical property. A common unit is the meter, which represents a definite predetermined length. Units are also grouped together into systems, such as the SI (International System of Units) based on seven base units: the metre for length, the second for time, the kilogram for mass, the candela for light intensity, the mole for the number of molecules in a substance, and the kelvin for temperature.

When comparing measurements from different systems, it is important to understand how to convert them. This allows scientists to communicate with their peers around the world, which minimizes confusion and translation errors. This is a key skill in scientific communication. In addition, converting units helps to establish consistency in the way that physical quantities are measured and recorded.


A musical scale is a sequence of tones that ascend or descend according to fixed intervals. It is one of the most important concepts in music theory and learning it will help your instrumental technique, improvisation and composition immensely.

Most scales are octave-repeating, meaning that they repeat the same pattern of notes at each octave. However, this is not always the case. Some scales have as few as two pitches, while others have more than 12.

Although it is possible to compose music without knowing about scales, it is much easier with them. They can help you avoid mistakes, eliminate guesswork, and make the process of composing faster. Also, they can create tension or emotion at the right moment and add depth to a melody.


Measurement is a technique that determines the properties of an object by comparing it to a standard quantity. The major types of measurement include length, time, temperature and weight.

The physical signal generated by an object must be converted into a digital or electronic measurement signal for comparison with the standard quantity. This transformation requires energy, which is an unavoidable impediment to measurement accuracy.

Despite this, the accuracy of measurements can be improved by using artifact-free definitions, which are defined by an invariable physical phenomenon rather than a standard artifact. Moreover, measuring tools should be designed with the ability to detect errors during and after measurement. For example, a ruler should be capable of reporting that the measured length is either too long or too short.


Metrics are quantifiable measurements that can be tracked and compared over time. They are often used to determine how well a business is progressing towards its goals and objectives. They also provide valuable insight into potential areas of improvement.

Metric data can come from a variety of sources, including first and second-party information. First-party data is collected from customers of a business, and has heightened value because it is specific to each individual user.

It’s important to know how your metrics will be used before you decide which ones to track. While it’s useful to monitor metrics such as website traffic, you should focus on metrics that will help you achieve your strategic goals. For example, monitoring a high churn rate can help you identify why your product is failing and make improvements to increase customer satisfaction.


KPIs are metrics that help track progress toward a desired business goal or objective. They are based on leading indicators, which are precursors of future success, and lagging indicators, which indicate desired impacts of past performance. By monitoring and improving leading indicators, employees can increase focus on actions that lead to strategic outcomes.

A good KPI is specific in both the amount that it aims to increase and the timeframe in which this will occur. For example, a company’s KPI might be to increase monthly recurring revenue by 20% this year. To achieve this, the team could target new leads or focus on expanding MRR for existing customers by encouraging expansion.

To identify good KPIs, companies should establish their strategic goals and then determine the metric that will best support them. They should also evaluate their current data sources and collection techniques, and ask key stakeholders for feedback.

Teaching Kids About Mass Measurement

mass measurement

Kids learn faster when they’re inquisitive, and teaching them about mass is a great way to get them interested in science. Introduce them to the metric system — the units for length, volume and weight with easy-to-remember prefixes like decimal and hecto.

Kids can practice calculating the differences between weight and mass by using a balance. Explain that an object’s mass stays the same regardless of its shape or location, while its weight changes depending on the amount of gravitational acceleration exerted.


Density is a physical property that tells you how tightly packed a substance’s molecules are in a given volume. This is why some materials are heavier than others. For example, wood is more dense than Styrofoam.

The density of an object is defined as its mass divided by its volume. The symbol for density is rho “” or Latin letter “d.” The formula for density is m/v, where m represents the mass and v is the volume. Density is usually measured in grams per cubic centimeters cube (g/cm3) or kilograms per liter, but there are many other units used.

Density is an important concept to understand because it relates to the properties of solids, liquids and gases. Knowing about the density of a material can help you determine whether a solid, such as gold, will sink in water or if a liquid, such as alcohol, will rise when placed on ice. The density of a substance can also be used to distinguish between different minerals.


People use the words weight and mass interchangeably, but they mean different things. Weight is a measure of the force of gravity on an object, while mass is an amount of matter in an object.

The SI unit of mass is kilograms (kg), but it’s also measured in multiples and fractions of the kilogram, including grams (g). You can balance objects with a scale to find their mass. For example, a pineapple has the same mass as a wooden baseball bat, but one is lighter than the other.

A more scientific way to measure an object’s weight is by calculating its acceleration under gravity, using the formula m x g. However, this method requires a very precise measurement of the gravitational field strength and an accurate mass measurement. It’s usually not done in everyday life, and it’s difficult for humans to perform accurately. Moreover, there are many other ways to calculate an object’s mass that don’t require knowing its weight.


Acceleration is a vector quantity that measures how much an object changes its velocity. The SI unit for acceleration is velocity units divided by time units, a/t.

For example, a passenger on a moving bus will tend to lean backwards because of the inertia that keeps the vehicle at rest. If the bus accelerates, however, the distance between the passengers and the dashboard will decrease because the inertia is inversely proportional to the change in acceleration.

NIST researchers have developed a simple optomechanical accelerometer that is capable of sensing accelerations as tiny as 32 billionths of a g, the force exerted by Earth’s gravity. This is a lower measurement uncertainty than all other commercial accelerometers of similar size, frequency response and bandwidth that are currently available. The device is expected to enable a variety of applications that require displacement measurements such as structural health monitoring (SHM) and earthquake engineering. The optomechanical accelerometer is part of NIST on a Chip, which brings the Institute’s cutting-edge measurement science directly to partners in commerce, industry and government.

Passive Gravitational Mass

Mass is the property of a physical body that measures its resistance to acceleration (change in its state of motion) when a net force is applied. It also determines the strength of its gravitational attraction to other objects. It is measured by allowing a test object to fall freely and measuring its free-fall acceleration. This is a very precise measurement that enables us to distinguish between active and passive gravitational mass.

A test object’s active gravitational mass depends on the distance r between it and a second test object. Its passive gravitational mass, on the other hand, is independent of r and of the material composition of both test objects.

This implies that, according to the weak equivalence principle of Newton’s law of universal gravitation, passive gravitational mass must be proportional to inertial mass for all objects, regardless of their material composition. This is what is referred to in metrological terms as the “eotvos principle.”

Errors in the Weighing Process

weighing process

Weighing is an accurate measurement of mass. To make a weighing measurement the weighing instrument needs to be correctly configured.

For example, if the process involves filling, the system must be designed to weigh a full supply hopper. It must also be able to handle large temperature changes. The latter affect load cell output, requiring the system to be recalibrated.

Types of Weighings

Almost every industry uses some type of weighing device to obtain precise quantifications of matter. These quantifications can be used to measure the quantity of ingredients in a recipe, determine shipping costs, or even ensure that products meet certain government regulations for safety and quality control.

The most common weighing devices are mechanical, electronic, and industrial weighing scales. Mechanical scales use springs to measure weight, while electronic and industrial weighing scales utilize advanced sensors for more accurate measurements.

Counting scales are another popular weighing device, which can measure the amount of identical parts or items. This is useful in food production, as it allows for efficient measurement of small batches. There are also specialized weighing devices for specific applications. These include analytical balances, which can measure very small quantities of chemical substances. In these cases, it is important to know how to correctly use these types of weighing instruments so that the results will be valid and reliable.


Calibration is essential in many labs for accurate measurements and reliable results. It is particularly important in laboratories that work with hazardous materials, electric currents or volatile chemicals. Even small inaccuracies can cause safety hazards. This is why it is important to work with a calibration company that offers certified professionals and streamlined processes.

A calibration process is an exacting comparison of a measuring instrument with reference standards. These are typically transfer standards (certified reference material), primary standards held by a national metrology institute or derived from natural physical constants.

In addition to calibrating instruments, it is also important to properly document the calibration procedure. This includes details about the technician, measurement values and adjustments made. It is also helpful to capture information about the instrument itself, such as its make and model. This can be a valuable asset for future compliance audits. Calibration can also be facilitated by using software tools that allow for efficient task management and record-keeping.


In industries where quality and safety are paramount, such as pharmaceuticals or food production, the correct order of ingredients can make the difference between a safe medication and a harmful one. Proper weighing ensures that the right amount of each ingredient is used to maintain product consistency and ensure the highest quality for consumers.

A weighing system that can accurately measure multiple batches of a product reduces human error and produces more consistent results. This streamlined weighing process can also increase productivity and efficiency while reducing costs.

The first step to ensuring accurate weighing is to select a top-quality load cell. This is a piece of machined metal that bends under the force of the load, converting the mechanical force into an electrical signal that is measured by strain gauges bonded at points on the cell. It is important that the load cell and the surrounding work area be clean, as dust can affect the weighing result.


Errors in the weighing process can occur from a variety of reasons. Good laboratory techniques and equipment, along with accurate standards and balances, are essential for obtaining precise mass measurements.

Mechanical errors include vibration, air currents, lack of thermal equilibrium, and electrostatic charges. Choosing high quality components that have best-case specifications and ensuring proper installation and use will minimize these errors.

Electrical noise from RFI (radio-frequency interference) and EMI can throw weight readings by interfering with the load cell low-voltage signal sent to the controller. This can be caused by sources such as lightning, portable two-way radios, large power lines, static electricity, and solenoids.

Keeping the weighing platform clean can also reduce error. This includes assessing the settling time and ensuring that all components, including the weights, are dry and free of dust and corrosive contaminants. Handling tare weights and sample containers correctly can help avoid contamination, too. For example, avoiding touching the tare weights with bare hands eliminates finger grease that could add to their mass.

How to Control Weight

control weight

Maintaining a healthy weight contributes to good health and reduces the risk for many medical conditions. Controlling your weight requires making dietary changes.

Eating a variety of foods helps keep your body balanced. Avoid foods that are high in sugar and fats. Eat smaller meals throughout the day. This prevents overeating and can help you manage your hunger.

Healthy Fats

Fat provides energy, helps with moods and brain function, and contributes to a feeling of fullness. Unhealthy fats, such as saturated and trans fats, promote insulin resistance, inflammation and increased fat storage, which can lead to obesity and chronic disease.

Healthy high-fat foods include avocados, olive oil, whole milk, grass-fed beef and fatty fish. Unhealthy high-fat foods to avoid are processed meats and snack foods, such as cookies and crackers, which are often high in artery-clogging trans fats.

A diet high in healthy fats is associated with lower cholesterol and heart disease risk, a reduced risk of diabetes, cancer and certain diseases and improved mental health. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2015-2020 recommend limiting intakes of saturated fat and trans fat, while increasing intake of unsaturated fat. However, since fat contains 9 calories per gram, it’s important to keep in mind that consuming too many calories from any source can lead to weight gain. Ideally, you should aim to consume a variety of healthy foods throughout the day.

How to Calculate Mass With a Bathroom Scale

You can’t use your bathroom scale to measure the mass of the universe. But calculating mass isn’t that difficult once you understand density and the metric system.

The metric system uses units like grams and kilograms (kg), along with larger and smaller multiples of those basic units. It’s easy to understand and makes it easier for scientists around the world to work together.


Physicists use scales and balances to find the mass of objects all the time. But what they’re really measuring is the object’s acceleration due to gravity, and this is why it’s important to make a distinction between weight and matter.

Weight is a force, and it depends on the strength of the gravitational field where the object is measured – it will be less on Mars than on Earth, more on Jupiter and very small in space, far from significant sources of gravity. In contrast, matter is the direct measure of the amount of matter present in an object, and it doesn’t depend on where it is.

The word “weight” continues to be used in some contexts, but in physics it is always referred to as matter. The metric unit of mass is the kilogram, which is defined as the mass of the International Prototype Kilogram, a platinum-iridium cylinder kept at the International Bureau of Weights and Measures in France.


Density is the ratio of an object’s mass to its volume. It’s also a measurement of how tightly packed the material is.

As a result, it’s very important to understand how density works. Density can be expressed in any combination of mass and volume units, though grams per cubic centimeter (g cc) and kilograms per cubic meter are the most common.

A brick has a much higher density than Styrofoam, which is why the brick is harder and more solid than the Styrofoam. It’s also why a brick sinks in water and an anchor floats on it.

Because it is a characteristic intensive property, density can be used to identify an unknown pure substance if you have a list of possible reference densities available. To determine bulk density, you fill a container with the material of interest and then weigh it. You can measure bulk density with a scale, balance or using a pycnometer, air comparison pycnometer, Coriolis flow meter or an immersed body method (buoyancy for liquids). Bulk density is not affected by temperature or pressure, and it’s also called specific gravity.

Active Gravitational Mass

There are three types of mass: inertial mass to determine how much an object resists acceleration; passive gravitational mass to determine the strength of an object’s interaction with gravity, and active gravitational mass that defines how strong it is at attracting or being attracted by other objects. These three facets of mass are not the same and should not be confused.

Inertial mass is measured with balance scales, which use the principle of Hooke’s Law to read off an inertial force g (which depends on the mass M being measured). Passive gravitational mass is measured by the transverse and longitudinal velocities which a moving mass induces in test particles initially at rest near its path – it’s measured with high accuracy using laser interferometers.

The equivalence of inertial and passive gravitational masses is one of the most important experimental results in physics, originally discovered by Galileo in the Pisa experiments (see Figure 5.3). It provides the basis for Einstein’s theory of relativity and is verified to a remarkable degree of precision.

Passive Gravitational Mass

The passive gravitational mass of an object is how it responds to a gravity field. Objects with more passive gravitational mass tend to be heavier than objects that have less. This is why the force of gravity acts on them more strongly, and it is also why they experience greater acceleration.

Gravitational force between two bodies depends on their relative mass and the distance between their centers of mass. This is why objects of different shapes fall at the same rate, assuming air resistance is negligible. This has been observed since the 17th century and is a fundamental principle of Newtonian physics and general relativity.

A new study by researchers at Leibniz University Hannover confirms this equivalence principle with 100 times greater accuracy than previous studies. If passive gravitational mass was not equal to inertial mass, then the Moon’s iron core and aluminum shell would accelerate differently. This could be detected by the Lunar Laser Ranging (LLR) experiments, but so far no such disparity has been found.