The Different Types of Weighing Processes

Weighing processes can involve a variety of functions from the weighing of ingredients for quality control to measuring finished products. Each weighing process requires precise measurement to achieve its goals.

For mass calibrations the balance, test objects, and reference standards must be in thermal and environmental equilibrium. Careful operation of the balance and use of clean weights will improve accuracy.

Weighing Procedures

Any food production facility, whether a huge plant or small restaurant, needs to use proper weighing procedures in order to produce safe and high quality foods. Weighing is used in all phases of the process from preparing raw materials to final packaging and ensuring that products comply with federal standards.

Several important factors can influence the outcome of a weighing procedure. For example, a balance should be set up in a draft-free location on a solid bench to prevent vibrations. Ideally, the instrument and its weighing pan should also be in thermal equilibrium (e.g., allowing them to come to temperature simultaneously).

When handling fine powders, they can pick up static charge that affects the accuracy of the measurement. For this reason, antistatic devices may be useful. Chemicals that cannot be safely handled in a weighing dish can often be transferred to a preweighed tared piece of glazed paper by squeezing the edges together to form a funnel, and then letting the substance run down the crease.

Analytical Balances

An analytical balance is a key piece of equipment used for precise measurements in labs. These highly sensitive devices need to be kept clean and in good working condition. They should also be periodically calibrated to ensure the accuracy of their results.

The ability of an analytical balance to correctly display a known calibration weight is referred to as its repeatability. It can be tested by putting the same load on the scale, such as a 20-gram calibration weight, and measuring it several times. A reading that is close to the same each time, or within a certain number of divisions, indicates a high degree of repeatability.

Analytical and precision balances are used in many different applications, including differential weighing, formulation, density determination, pipette calibration, parts counting and gross-net-tare weighing. They are essential tools for quality control, manufacturing and research laboratories. They may also be used in pharmacies to weigh medication and medical supplies. They often come with additional features such as a taring function, dynamic weighing and backlighting.

Weighing Dishes

Weighing dishes are safe, contaminant-free, biologically inert economical containers for weighing liquid or powdered samples in the laboratory. They are molded with a smooth surface that facilitates accurate pour-outs and minimizes sample loss. They are not reactive with most substances and will withstand temperatures up to 80oC.

Some weighing systems come with data management capabilities that relay information automatically. This information may be displayed on local indicators, PLC outputs or transmitted to a remote display for monitoring & review. Weighing system experts at Michelli can help you select the right data management system to meet your business requirements.

It is important to avoid touching the weighing pans with bare hands because oils or other contaminants can cause inaccurate readings. It is also important to handle the weights with clean tools to avoid scratching the weighing plates. The aluminum weighing dishes offered by Lab Depot are ideal for general purpose weighing, moisture determination and plasma ashing applications (pre-embedding). These disposable aluminum dishes have tabs or crimped edges and can be used as evaporating dishes, dust covers and as weighing vessels in EM labs.

Paper Weighing

Weighing paper can be a bit confusing, with the many different ways stock is rated and categorized. In North America, two of the most common ratings are points and pounds. A point (also known as pt) is the thickness of the paper measured in 1/1000th of an inch. The higher the number, the thicker the paper.

Pounds, on the other hand, are a measurement of how much 500 sheets of a paper size weigh in its uncut form. This is why you might see a paper rated as 80 lb cover, for example: it weighs about what 500 sheets of that type of paper would weight in its base uncut form before cutting to letter or legal size. Other countries use the metric system method, which specifies that one square meter of the standard sheet size of a paper weighs X grams. This is why you can be more accurate when comparing papers between different countries.

How to Control Weight and Manage Cravings

Controlling weight involves balancing calories and eating the right amount to fuel your body. This includes avoiding yo-yo dieting and finding ways to manage cravings.

Psychologists often work with individuals struggling to maintain a healthy weight. This may be as part of their private practice or in a hospital or other health care setting.


Exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle, regardless of your weight. Whether you participate in team sports, take a jog or dance, all physical activity helps you burn calories. Exercising can also reduce your risk for certain diseases, improve your mood and increase strength and flexibility. However, it is important to know what types of exercises are best for your body. A doctor can recommend specific exercises that will work well for you. Regular exercise also requires consistency. Trying to exercise once or twice a week won’t give you the comprehensive results you need to control your weight.

Reduce Screen Time

The time you spend watching TV, using computers or playing video games is often time that could be better spent being physically active. Studies show that excessive screen time is associated with sedentary behaviors, unfavorable dietary habits and disrupted sleep.

Children who watch TV and play video games have less time for physical activities and are more likely to be overweight. Exposure to media violence may also desensitize children to the seriousness of violent behavior and teach them that it is a normal way to solve problems.

Limiting screen time is important for everyone, but it’s especially important for kids and teens. Start by monitoring your family’s total screen time (TV, DVD, computer and handheld electronic devices) and setting a goal to reduce it.

Watch Portion Sizes

Portion sizes are an important element of a healthy diet, as they help people stay within their daily energy needs and avoid overeating. While there are many tools available to measure portions, such as food scales or measuring cups, people can also learn portion sizes by comparing them to everyday objects like their hand. The palm of one’s hand can be used to measure servings of protein, while a fist can be used to determine the size of carbohydrate servings. A thumb and fingers can be used to measure servings of salad dressing, oil or nut butter.

Increasing awareness about how much they are eating can help people tune into their internal hunger and fullness cues, which in turn can reduce overeating and support weight loss.

Manage Stress

Stress may be one of the most significant barriers to healthy eating and exercise. It raises the hormone cortisol, which makes your body store fat for energy and changes your immune system. It also messes with the endocrine system, raising adrenaline and decreasing the hormone leptin (which signals satiety). Stress can increase cravings for fatty, sugary foods and reduce your appetite for nutrient-rich ones.

Learning to manage stress, whether through meditation, yoga or even a quick walk in the park, can help you control your weight. Similarly, if your stress comes from taking on too much at home or work, try to learn how to say no and ask for help. Seeing a counselor or psychologist could be helpful as well, depending on the source of your stress.

Identifying and Validating Scales

Some researchers use existing scales that fit their construct and domain, some modify a published scale for a new study, and others develop their own. When utilizing an existing scale, it is important to identify the type of scale used (see Table 3), validate the scale with appropriate procedures (see Table 5), and report exactly how it was deployed.


In math, scale is a ratio that compares corresponding sides of two figures. This concept is also applied to models, maps, blueprints and the scale you weigh yourself on. Ratios are all around us, but some are more obvious than others, such as the scale on a map or blueprint or the ratio of ingredients when making cement.

Scale is also the set of tones that forms a musical mode. The most common scale is the diatonic scale, but there are many different scales used in music throughout the world. Each scale has a characteristic interval pattern and a specific starting point (or tonic) note.

The term “scale” can also refer to any thin, platelike piece or lamina that peels away from a surface, as from the skin. It can also mean the flat, horny plates that form the covering of some animals, as snakes or lizards. Finally, it can be used to describe a system of compensation, such as pay scales for actors or musicians.


Historically, scales have been developed in order to improve the accuracy of measurement. They were largely developed through trial and error, with inventors such as Leonardo da Vinci lending their hand to the development.

Scales also play an important role in the analysis of music from nonliterate cultures and folk music. However, their function as theoretical concepts is more prominent in the music of highly sophisticated cultures (variously described as art music, classical music, cultivated music or high culture music).

Musical scales are often taught to students as part of their formal instruction. They may be learned intuitively through experience or taught explicitly using written music theory. Some scales can be identified by their constituent intervals, such as being hemitonic or cohemitonic. Alternatively, they can be recognized by the repetition of characteristic melodic motives, such as the tumbling strains described by Curt Sachs in the singing of Australian Aboriginal peoples. This can help distinguish different types of scales even when they are sung at the same pitch level.


There are four different types of scale: nominal, ordinal, interval and ratio. These classifications describe the level of information recorded within a variable and influence what kind of statistical analyses you can perform on your data.

A nominal scale has categories that you can name and doesn’t have a natural order, such as gender, college major or blood type. It’s the simplest form of measurement and can be used to categorize or label observations. You can either leave these labels as they are or you can code them to identify the groups you want to compare.

An interval scale is a step up from nominal. It allows you to rank your observations in an ordered way and also lets you add or subtract them. You can think of intervals like the temperature in Celsius and Fahrenheit, credit scores and SAT test results. It’s also possible to use ratios on an interval scale, such as when rating someone’s response time, like Amar took 2.3 seconds longer than Becky did.


Scalable apps provide a high-quality user experience and prevent performance issues that can degrade brand trust. They also ensure that applications can accommodate growth without sacrificing performance or adding complexity.

A scale drawing can make it easier to interpret complex objects and structures, such as blueprints or machinery. It can also help architects, machine-makers and designers work with models of objects that are too large to hold. A map scale shows the relative size of geographic features, such as mountains and rivers, by using a ratio. Many maps include both verbal and representative fraction (RF) scales.

There are several ways to make an application more scalable, such as adding more CPUs or increasing memory limits. However, these methods increase the overall speed of the application but don’t address problems that arise from complex interactions between different parts of the software. A better approach is horizontal scaling, which involves distributing workloads across multiple machines in the same cluster.

What Are Measures?

Measures are facts about reality that can be expressed in numbers. They can be quantitative, qualitative or a combination of both. They are usually characterized by their type, magnitude and unit.

A measurement strategy is a useful tool for analyzing the success of your marketing efforts. It also helps establish clear communication between marketers across the company.


The quantitative approach to research hinges on collecting and analyzing data. It involves a number of different steps, including designing and conducting experiments. Quantitative research also relies on collecting a variety of numerical observations, such as the length of a plant’s stem or the number of bees in a hive.

In order to evaluate the validity of a quantitative measure, researchers must look at several factors. One important factor is reliability. This includes assessing whether the measure is accurate, consistent and can be reproduced. Another is criterion validity, which considers the extent to which the scores on the measure reflect the construct that they are supposed to.

Other aspects of the validity of a quantitative measurement include its ability to produce statistically significant results, and whether it produces a valid interval or ratio variable. Examples of interval level variables are mode, median and mean, while ratio level variables include indices like the Rosenberg self-esteem scale, which is a composite score that combines multiple items into a single numeric value.


Quantitative measures rely on numbers and values to convey information. Qualitative measurement delves deeper into concepts and feelings. It involves interviews with open-ended questions and observation in real world settings. The goal is to gather detailed descriptions of people’s reactions, perceptions and experiences.

For example, an assessment might focus on a specific community’s level of empowerment or how well it relates to local culture. These are results that cannot be tallied or neatly fit into a quantitative framework, but they’re important to measure.

Using qualitative methods to collect data can help you better understand how and why people react as they do in a certain setting. Qualitative assessments involve observing a situation and taking notes, either as a participant or as an outsider (for example, in a hospital’s intensive care unit). This type of research is iterative and may include multiple sessions of observation and interviewing. Observations are analyzed thematically to identify trends and patterns.


Measures are the numbers that can be summed or averaged, such as sales, leads, distances, durations and temperatures. They are used alongside dimensions, which categorize data into categories like sales reps, cities and products.

Combinations are selections of objects that can be made from a larger collection. The mathematics of combinations is known as combinatorics and includes the nCr formula for enumerating all possible combinations of a set n with r objects selected at random.

You can create views that combine multiple measures by adding them to the Rows or Columns shelves. When you do this, the marks for each distinct measure are displayed on the same axis. You can then customize the mark properties for each measure—for example, the shape, size and color encoding. You can also compare the results of two different measures using dual axes—two independent axes that are layered in the same pane.


The unit of measurement is a standardized quantity for a physical property. It serves as a factor for measuring occurring quantities of that property, such as length or mass. Often, different units for a same quantity exist. They may be converted to each other through multiplicative conversion factors, i.e. a kilogram divided by one meter is equal to 1,000 milliliters.

Many traditional systems of measurement were based on dimensions of the human body, such as the cubit based on the length of the forearm and the pace based on the width of a stride or the foot and hand. Such units, referred to as anthropic, are still used in some cultures.

Currently, scientifically-defined and internationally agreed upon units are used worldwide. These are known as the SI (International System of Units). They consist of seven base units: the metre for length, the second for time, the kelvin for temperature, the mole for the number of atoms in an object, the candela for brightness and the kilogram for weight.

What is the Difference Between Mass and Weight?

It’s important for kids to understand the difference between mass and weight. Many times in everyday life, “mass” and “heaviness” are used synonymously.

Mass is the property of a physical body and is the measure of its resistance to acceleration when a net force is applied. It can be measured using a balance or scale.


While the terms mass and weight are often used interchangeably in everyday conversation, they are not the same thing. Mass is an intrinsic property of matter: it is the amount of matter in a body, and it does not change when a body changes locations or even moves. Weight, on the other hand, is a force that depends on gravity and changes with location.

While we often measure our weight in pounds, kilograms are the standard units of measurement for mass. In fact, it is considered a good idea to avoid using the term “weight” at all, instead opting for the more scientific definition of an object’s mass.

In the laboratory, we determine an object’s mass by placing it on a spring scale and measuring the amount of movement that the spring experiences. The scale is calibrated to take the acceleration of gravity, g, into account. You would weigh less on the Moon than you do on Earth because g is smaller there.


Gravity is a universal force that attracts all matter and energy. It influences the trajectories of bodies in our solar system and in the universe, as well as the structures and evolution of stars, galaxies, and even atoms.

The 17th-century British scientist Isaac Newton figured out the equation for gravity from his careful observations of objects falling down inclines. He established that the acceleration of an object depends on its mass and the distance from the center of the Earth. The rate of acceleration also varies slightly with latitude, because the radius of the Earth is larger at the equator than at the north and south poles due to centrifugal forces from the bulging of the Earth.

Physicists measure gravity using relative and absolute gravimeters. The relative instruments use springs, mirrors, and other mechanisms to determine changes in vertical acceleration, or deflection, caused by a change in the gravitational field. Absolute gravimeters use laser interferometers and atomic clocks to determine the precise position of a test mass in vacuum.


Inertia is an object’s natural resistance to a twisting force or torque. This property, sometimes called mass moment of inertia, is critical for satellites and other dynamic systems, because internal parts that may occasionally move can cause an undesired rotation.

Objects with higher mass have more inertia than objects with lower mass. A lead ball with high mass will resist being set into motion, whereas a styrofoam ball of the same size will be easy to push around.

The Measure Inertia dialog box has a Keep Measure option that keeps current and subsequent inertia measures as features in the specification tree. The options on the Customize… tab let you customize inertia computation and display. When you change the density of a material (add or modify a value, use the Force Measure Update command), inertia measurements made on that material are not updated automatically; they need to be manually recalculated.


Mass is a measurement of the amount of matter an object contains. It is measured in kilograms (kg), which are the base units of the International System of Units.

It can be measured in a few different ways, but the most common method is to use a balance scale. This is because a balance measures both the obscure and known mass of an object, and it works perfectly in space or places of no gravity.

A less common way to measure mass is by observing how an object resists being accelerated by a force. This is called inertia, and it gives us a good idea of an object’s mass. It is also possible to determine an object’s mass by seeing how much it accelerates after being pushed. This is a more complicated technique, but it can be very accurate. It requires a special kind of sensor that can detect the movement of the particles in an object’s nuclei.

The Weighing Process

weighing process

Weighing processes are present at every step of lab or production workflows. Whether your focus is on consistent results, quality control or regulatory compliance, you need a robust weighing process to support your efforts.

Balances (also known as beam balances and laboratory balances) use two pans to compare known masses against unknown objects. They are operated until static equilibrium is achieved, which takes a few moments.

Weight Measurement

A weight measurement is a number with units that quantifies the amount of matter that makes up an object or substance. From weighing medicine to measuring the density of an airplane, a precise estimate of mass allows us to transport, record and use matter more efficiently.

The weighing process requires accurate equipment and procedures to produce reliable results. An inappropriate scale may lead to inaccurate measurements, which in turn, can have negative health consequences.

A balance is the preferred method of measuring weight because it’s more accurate than spring-based scales. In addition to the obvious benefit of precision, the use of standardized weights reduces error. Standardized weighing also helps promote international cooperation by making it easier to exchange weighing data without conversions. For example, a metric ton is equal to 10 quintals of weight. The simplest way to avoid measurement errors is by using a calibrated weight to check the accuracy of a commercial scale or balance.


The weighing process requires a balance or scale to be properly calibrated. Calibration involves comparing the display value of the scale with an accepted true number. This number must fall within an assigned measurement uncertainty range (see Figure 1). Contributors to this measurement uncertainty come from the weighing instrument itself, the reference weight used to calibrate and environmental factors.

Having an accurate weighing system is important to ensure adherence with industry standards and compliance with product quality regulations. It also helps avoid the cost of rework, waste disposal and customer product recall.

When selecting a calibration service provider, look for a team with years of experience in scale and balance calibration and formal NIST H-44 training. You should also choose a company that is dedicated to documentation, attention to detail and understanding your business needs. Documented calibration results are crucial for traceability and compliance.

Data Analysis

Data analysis is the comprehensive process of inspecting, cleansing, transforming, and modeling data with the goal of discovering useful information, informing conclusions, and supporting decision-making. It’s the backbone of most research and analytics initiatives.

The first step in data analysis is to clean the raw data – this ensures that the data you’re working with is as accurate as possible. This includes erasing duplicate records, removing white space, and checking for formatting errors.

Survey weighting is the process of adjusting sample data so that it matches the target population for each question on your survey. The most common method for doing this is iterative proportional fitting, or raking. For example, if you want your sample to represent the distribution for education, the raking procedure will iteratively adjust your weights until they align with the desired population targets for that variable. You then apply those weights to your data. If your data isn’t weighted, it can lead to biased analyses and inaccurate results.


Depending on the needs of your audience, you can choose to provide your results in a PDF, presentation, or interactive dashboard. This will help ensure that your audience is able to interpret the data effectively and quickly.

The absolute method compares an observed or calculated data result, unrounded, to the specified tolerance criteria and determines conformance or non-conformance. This is commonly used in industrial weighing applications. It is important that collection process documentation clearly indicates when the absolute method is being used.

How to Control Weight

control weight

Controlling your weight is a lifelong process. Getting to a healthy weight is about eating well and making healthy choices.

Restricting foods is counterproductive and leads to binging. Eating nutrient-rich foods, such as fruits and vegetables, is essential. And limiting empty calories like sugary soda and cookies. Managing stress can also help.


Exercise is any healthful movement that raises your heart rate and uses more muscles than you typically use while sitting, sleeping or performing daily chores. Regular exercise can help you control your weight by using excess calories that would otherwise be stored as fat, and it also promotes good health, prevents diseases, improves strength and endurance, helps to manage stress and aids in longevity. For best results, exercise should be a regular part of your daily routine.

Stress Management

Stress is part of life, but too much can lead to weight gain. A healthy diet, regular physical exercise and good sleep habits can help reduce stress levels.

Chronically high levels of stress can cause the body to store fat in the abdomen as a protective mechanism. This “toxic” belly fat can increase your risk of heart disease and other health conditions.

Studies have shown that practicing relaxation techniques can improve your mood and promote a healthier lifestyle. Meditation and yoga are common stress-reducing activities, but find what works for you and incorporate it into your daily routine.

A small randomized clinical trial showed that overweight and obese patients who received a stress management program had greater weight loss than age and BMI-matched control patients who followed standard lifestyle instructions. The stress management group also had lower levels of perceived stress and depression, a better internal and external health locus of control (HLC) and improved eating patterns.

What Is a Scale?


Scales are used to measure things, like height or distance. They are also used in music, such as the scale of Claude Debussy’s L’Isle Joyeuse.

Despite the numerous advances in scale development, there is still room for improvement. The present article highlights five of these advances and outlines recommendations for future practice.


Scale is a ratio of the dimensions of a model to those of the real object. It’s used to reduce large objects to a smaller size so they can be more easily handled and analyzed. This is the process by which we create blueprints for building projects that are drawn to a specific scale.

To find the dimensions of a small geometric figure, you simply multiply it by a number. If you want to enlarge the size of the drawing, you multiply by a larger number.

In music, the word “scale” refers to a series of musical notes or sounds that ascend and descend in a particular pattern. It’s one of the most important concepts to understand when learning musical theory and instrumental technique. For example, a C major scale begins with middle C (C4) and ascends an octave to C7. Musicians often practice scales with different intervals to build their proficiency and mastery of a particular scale.


A scale is the ratio between the dimensions of a model or a scaled figure and the corresponding dimensions of an actual figure or object. The term also refers to the relationship between a number of objects of different sizes, such as the scale factor.

When preparing plots by hand or using computer programs for data analysis, it is important to select a reasonable scale. A typical scale will have a set of major ticks along the plotting axis with finer subdivisions (minor tick labels) indicated between them.

The term scale may also refer to a sequence of musical intervals or a particular arrangement of tones of a chord. This type of scale is often used in improvisational music. Explicit instruction in scales has been part of compositional training for centuries. A famous example is the opening of Claude Debussy’s L’Isle Joyeuse. The piece begins with an ascending major scale followed by a descending minor scale.


A system of ordered marks at determinate intervals, used as a standard for measurement: a ruler with a scale; a map with a scale.

A ratio indicating the proportion that a representation bears to the object that it represents: a map with a 1:1,000,000 scale.

One of the scales in a musical composition, such as a major scale: do-re-mi-fa-sol-la-ti-do. Also called modulation.

To adjust or vary in proportionate amounts: to scale up or down a plan; to scale a mountain. Also: to move up or down a ladder, pecking order, or seniority system.

To shrink a real-world object’s dimensions on a model, blueprint, or diagram: scale drawing. Scaling is common in preparing maps and to help designers, architects, and machinists work with models that would be too large to hold if they were at their actual size. See also scale factor.


In music, the term scale can refer to a particular set of melodic notes or the corresponding intervals on a musical instrument. In some contexts, it can also refer to a series of scalelike exercises practiced for technical proficiency. In the context of fretted string instruments, it can also refer to the number and positioning of the corresponding frets on a guitar or bass.

Scale is often used as a ratio to represent a real-world object on a blueprint or map with comparatively smaller dimensions. For example, the dimensions of a house on a blueprint are drawn to a scale of 1:100. Scrutulous geographic information specialists avoid enlarging source maps to preserve this scale factor.

Ordinary mechanical balance-beam scales and electronic digital scales measure mass by comparing the force of gravity (which varies with location) against an object’s weight. This distinction is important because the gravitational constant varies significantly, so scales must be calibrated at each location to accurately measure weight.

The Importance of Mass Measurement

Students often confuse mass and weight. They might use a balance to guess an object’s mass and compare it with others, but that only gives them an indirect measurement of the object’s heaviness.

The fundamental SI base units are based on immutable properties of the universe. Their names combine prefixes and units that are easy for kids to remember.


Mass is a quantity describing the amount of matter in an object. It is a fundamental property of matter and the base SI unit is kilogram (kg).

Weight, on the other hand, measures the force of gravitational attraction on an object. This is a vector quantity, with magnitude directed toward the center of the Earth or other gravity well and is often measured by an ordinary balance, such as a spring balance. It is also expressed in kilograms and grams. The term ‘weight’ can also be used to describe an inertia, that is the object’s tendency to resist changes in its state of motion – think of the puck sliding on an air hockey table until some force acts on it.

Unlike weight, which depends on location, mass does not change. However, it is possible to measure both by using a triple-beam balance that compares the unknown object with one of two pans filled with known masses and is unaffected by local variations in gravitational acceleration.


In everyday life, we can use the term “acceleration” to refer to speeding up or slowing down. In physics, acceleration is actually the rate at which an object changes its velocity over time and has both magnitude and direction, making it a vector quantity.

An object in circular motion (like a satellite orbiting the earth) is also accelerated by change of direction but not by change of speed. This acceleration is called centripetal acceleration and it is proportional to the mass of the object.

NIST scientists have developed a system that uses the radiation pressure that a weak laser beam exerts on an attached high-reflectivity mirror to measure force and mass. This system, which is portable and self-calibrating, offers an excellent opportunity for students to learn fundamental physics concepts and the complexities of measurement.


In a laboratory, gravity is a challenge to measure. The weakest of the four fundamental forces, it is far more difficult to measure than the other three, which are mediated by quantum particles. This is despite the fact that it plays a crucial role in the long-range trajectories of objects in the solar system and the structures and evolution of stars and galaxies.

It took a flash of insight from Newton to elevate gravity from an inscrutable force that acted on everything from raindrops to cannonballs to a measurable phenomenon. He derived the expression F = G (mass times acceleration) and established a value for the gravitational constant that is within 1% of its modern-day value.

Since then, physicists have struggled to measure G with increasing accuracy. One classic technique uses a torsion balance that measures the twisting of an inner carousel with respect to an outer disk when masses on both are moved. More recently, researchers have turned to quantum physics and clouds of ultra-cold atoms to try to determine the value of G.


The ability to measure mass is crucial for many scientific applications. Traditionally, mass measurement has been accomplished using a balance. However, the need for more accurate measurements led to the development of new mass-measuring instruments. These devices use a system of rods or pistons to counteract the force of gravity, allowing for more precise readings.

The transducer converts the physical i/p quantity into an electrical signal, which can be easily read by a meter. Generally, the main function of a sensor is to change the physical signal into a normalized current output.

The performance of a transducer depends on its ability to translate the mechanical input into an output that is stable and can be used to measure the input signal. The main factors that influence this conversion are the sensitivity, cross sensitivity, hysteresis and operating range of the device. Also, the speed at which the device can translate a physical input into an output signal is important.

Four Factors That Affect the Accuracy of a Weighing Process

A weighing process involves measuring the amount of material in an object. In most cases, this is done using a balance.

A typical balance consists of a pivoted horizontal lever with arms of equal length – the beam. It can determine mass by placing the unknown substance in one pan & standard masses in the other pan until the system achieves equilibrium.


From food packaging to production line weighing, accurate measurements help make business processes efficient. But how can you ensure your weighing equipment delivers the results you need?


The vibration transmitted through process equipment or around the weighing system can disturb the load cells. This can cause the weighing system instrumentation to produce inaccurate readings or even fail altogether. Ensure your weighing system is isolated from vibration sources when possible, or select a weighing system with sensor instrumentation that eliminates vibration effects.

The sensitivity of an optical balance is determined by comparison (or substitution) weighing with standard masses that are calibrated in advance. The sensitivity weights should be selected to minimize the influence of air buoyancy on the measurement and their handling must be carefully controlled to prevent grease or oily films from contaminating the mass. This will affect the ability to correctly measure an unknown object and will lead to poor repeatability. To correct for this, a cornerload test should be performed periodically.


Weighing accuracy is the closeness of a measurement to a known value. It is affected by four factors:

The major weighing component in all electronic weighing systems is the load cell (also called a load sensor or transducer). This piece of machined metal bends under weight, and its bending is sensed by strain gauges bonded to the cell at points that correspond to load areas. The gauges output an electrical signal that the weighing system’s controller interprets as the weight reading.

Any change to the signal or any interference in the weighing process can throw off the weight results. This can include vibration from equipment placed near the scale, electromagnetic fields from nearby power lines or radio signals, and temperature changes.


A number of things can affect weighing accuracy. These include shock loading (such as dropping heavy materials on a scale that exceeds its max rated capacity) and wind loading (small amounts of air movement caused by things such as air ducts or air conditioning). Vibrations can also cause strain to sensitive load cells, which send an electrical signal that can be misinterpreted by the weight controller.

The response time of a load cell is important when an application involves rapid readings such as a high-speed checkweighing or rotary filling machine. Load cell responses can be influenced by temperature, wire resistance, electromagnetic interference and moisture.

Large temperature changes can impact a load cell’s sensitivity, changing its output range and requiring new calibrations. If a weighing system is designed to rezero (zero out) the weight of a container before each weighing cycle, this problem is less severe. Other random fluctuations can be digitally averaged by a weight controller.


When weighing hazardous chemicals, safety is an important factor. It is difficult to prevent accidental minor or major spills, but weighing systems can be designed to mitigate exposure risks by using a fume hood or specialised isolator.

When direct weighing a substance, the balance is first zeroed by placing a piece of clean weighing paper on the pan. Then the mass of the weighing substance is displayed by subtracting the first reading from the second. A process called taring is often used to minimise weighing errors.

The precision of a balance is also influenced by the environmental pressure around the system. Pressure differentials can affect the accuracy of a balance, so weighing equipment should be placed in an area with consistent ambient air pressure. Also, vibration can cause issues with accuracy. This is because vibration can make a weight signal inaccurate by causing the weigher to recognise the movement of nearby equipment as an actual weighing load.